Each round of Niiiceball league is two teams facing off with 3 players from each team. Everyone will play each other once, and wins and losses will be kept track of on scoring sheets given to each captain at the beginning of each night. Rounds are based on wins and losses, not points, so the team with 5 or more wins on their sheet wins the round!
In the event of a tie, we’ll pull from the Surly Mix-up Bucket and have you replay with some kind of wonky modifier, like spinning around between each ball, playing while seated, other goofy stuff like that.
We have 3 sets of Skeeball machines to play on and 12 teams, so each team will get to play 2-3 rounds. Each round should take 20-30 minutes, so the whole night will be at most 2 hours. Every league night we’ll be mixing up the matchups as best we can.
Teams with more than 3 players can swap out their players between rounds so everyone gets a chance to play. Everyone on the team has to play at least one round.
Teams can have one non-league substitute to play each night, no notice required. If your team can’t field a full 3 players for the games, you can play with two but the opposing team will get 3 free wins (one for each game the missing player should have played). We won’t run teams where only one player shows up.
If your team has any left-handed folks, we’ll try to prioritize the lanes that have open space to the right for you.
The machines are set to not give extra balls or have “jackpot” shots. In the event of a technical issue with a machine, we can likely solve it on the spot and replay the game, but otherwise we’ll finish the round on another set of machines.
Any other questions comments, or concerns, reach out to Mitchell!