

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since we sent out a progress update, so here's what's happening with I/O:

Construction began last week! For those who haven't seen the space at 720 Willy Street yet, the building is a 106 year old warehouse that is actively being restored. We've got a lot of work to do to build out the space, but it should only take a handful of weeks to get into shape, and once it's done, it's going to look incredible. Once the floors are done we'll be sure to start posting some progress pics!

For those on the job market, I/O is now accepting applications! If you're looking for a fun, nerdy, & rewarding service industry experience, send a resume over to jobs@ioarcade.bar. If you've already sent one in, you won't need to send a second - they're already in the running.

We were recently featured in Imbibe Magazine's feature "The Evolution of Arcade Bars." Check it out! http://imbibemagazine.com/arcade-bars/

Now for the question on everyone's mind - when the heck are we gonna open? Our goal is to be open by the end of August, but it may get pushed into September depending on how smoothly construction goes. Either way, with construction underway now, it's only a matter of weeks. We'll have an exact date once we hit a few construction milestones.

So that's all for this edition of our newsletter. We'll see you soon!